Friday, October 13, 2017

Six Rules to Make People Like You

1.How To Win Friends and Influence People 

I normally like to keep things to myself, but when it comes to a conversation, I'm very interested in what others are talking about. Many people just fake it and act like they're actually interested in the conversation. I'm always genuine when talking to someone because they might have advice that will help you in the future. For example when I had public speakers in my class they have great advice about what the real world is like. You can always learn stuff from anyone, everyone has past experiences that will help you in the long run. From my own experience I need to improve on being more interested in what other people say. I need to be more involved in the conversation and be listening to what they are saying so I can say my input in the conversation. I always want to be in the conversation so I don't feel as I'm left out. Honestly, I really do a better job in being in the conversation. From now on I will strive to be genuine and interested in other people.  2


Image result for smile Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, "I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you." This quote is trying to say to be kind to you're enemy's and too forgive them but to remember their names because its very important to remember. Also if that if you remember someone name because it will make them remember you're name. They will want to be come friends with you because you know them and your kind to them. They will and would want to be your friend because having friends is the best thing you can ever have and they are very fun and funny people to have around you.Make sure you always smile despite the situation. When you are low you should show that you are strong by giving a smile and when you are happy you should smile too. The point is that where ever you are or the situation you should always try to give that positive look.

3.Remember Names

Image result for remember names "A man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language."This rule is stating that you can make people like you because you are listening to what they have to say which means you are showing interest in them. ON the other hand, if you only talk about yourself and don't let them speak they will think you're selfish.Something very important to get people to like you is remembering who they are and what name they go by. A person is interested more in their name than all the other names combined. It makes a person feel very special when you remember their name because it shows a piece of your mind remembers them. A person's name is the most unique and identitive word a person has a connection to. When we remember peoples name, it shows a sign of courtesy and a way of recognizing them. When a person remembers our name after meeting us, we feel respected and more important. It makes a positive and lasting impact on us. When we don't remember a name and people have to repeat is several timesit makes us feel a little unappreciated. 

4.Be a good listener encourage others to talk. 

Image result for be a good listener"Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interesting in himself and his wants and his problems then he is in you and your problems." What I believe this means is that you should always listen to what another person has to say. The other person may be saying something that might be very useful now or maybe in the future. You should always ask questions. Make sure the person gets out all the information he/she wants to tell you so he them feels more comfortable speaking. When speaking to someone you should always look them in the eye, don not look at your phone, make sure you try to relate and add to their stories, and listen most of all. A person will really value you if he sees these on you. Make sure you focus on the other person and not what is around you.  And most of all engage, I know there are moments you just don't want to talk to a person you should always try to pay attention and give them respect. 

5. Talk in terms of the other mans interest

Image result for  Talk in terms of the other mans interest stick figures"The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most."  What I believe this mean is that you should always try to relate and  see what others like and have a conversation about that. It shows manners and makes you look intelligent because of the level of interest you have. I have another theory that it means to be open minded. Being open minded helps you see things in a different perspective. If you never talk about others interest then later they become the same as you and just talk about themselves. Having an ability like that will help in the long run. It will make people want to talk to you, because you are very rational. When you about others interest you can get ideas from others and make your own idea. This will make a very successful person with a lot of knowledge. 

6. Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely. 

"The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature." (John Dewey)" When you communicate with someone you should always make sure you are paying attention to them, You should always make sure you make the feel comfortable and safe around  you. Being sincere helps someone believe that you are a genuine person. By being sincere you are making the other person feel more comfortable. This will lead to a more interesting conversation. This is a great trait because if you make them feel comfortable, then they are more likely to open up. When you can make people open up it makes them know you actually care. For example, someone can just fake it and not be genuine when talking to you. They will most likely be using sarcasm because they don't know how to make you feel comfortable. Someone that will usually always be genuine and make you feel comfortable will be your mother.

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