9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
Be Grateful

To be grateful is not not take advantage of things.
In order to have a happy life you need to enjoy the things you have. Many people don't have as many things as you do and they learn to valuate and enjoy those little things. To be grateful is to not take things for granted, be happy with the little things you get, and enjoy life as it is. For example when you go out and eat with your parents should you really get desert? You know how much your parents work and are tire and just want to sleep. Should you really wait another 15 minutes for your desert so it can be gone in less than 5 minutes? You should not instead tell your parents that you guys should go home because you know they have to wake up at 4 am to get to work.
2. Be Smart

To be smart is thinking first about the things you do. Being honest to your parents and teachers is a good way to be smart because you that there will be consequences but at least your parents know your responsible enough to tell the truth. Staying away from drugs is a good way to be smart. When you do drugs it leads to a lot of bad habits and that is why you should stay away from them. When your friends ask you to ditch school , you should think first before acting. Think about the consequences you will face if your mom finds out. Or what if you had a makeup test that day and now you wont be able to make it up again. Being smart not just means being a straight A student or being really smart, it means thinking about the things that will get you in trouble and not do them. I will apply to this new way by coming to my college classes and being responsible about my homework.
3.Be Involved

To be involved means to try to get yourself out there so others can see how good you are. You should be try to do things that in the future you will have something good to say about yourself. When you do something good you are usually awarded with a gift or surprises. But when you do something bad you are usually not awarded but grounded. Its better to be involved and learn new people becasue those people can bring new experiences into your life. When your involved in a team you are more active and have more chances or being recruted.
4.Be Clean

To be clean means to be organized. You must make sure that you know where all you notebooks, important papers and utensils are at. It also means that your language should be clean. You must not use nasty language for example vulgar words or else you are not clean. One example of being clean is when you see that people are littering you should be the big person and tell them to pick it up or you should pick it up even if its not yours. Another example is when people around you are screaming out bad words, you should not go ahead and join them. Instead you should say something good and walk away, or just don't say nothing at all.
5.Be True

To be true is to be honest and comited to the things you do. You should always say what you want to say and do what you are suppose to do. If you are in a sport or team you should always be at practice and not slack off. If you are a member of a church you should know what is good and represent it. You should be true to yourself because you should learn to love yourself because no one else will. Be true to the person you are , like if your a good student you should stick to that and not what others want you to be.
6.Be Positive

To be positive means that you should accept where you are. You cant change the way you think if you don't know the problem. Accepting that you have negative thoughts and feelings, and that you don't enjoy how you are responding do them. Have a positive attitude when you are in places you don't desire to be at. You should always accept who you are. You should makes goals towards the changes you want to make. Practice meditating. Keep a journal of your feelings and thoughts. You should practice active gratitude. Use self-affirmations. Learn to re frame negative experiences. Care about your body and do exercise. And surround yourself with positive Influences.

7.Be Humble
Having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance.t. While humble people are often seen in today’s corporate culture as unassertive, passive types, there’s something truly powerful about them that we can all stand to emulate. Studies have associated humility with healthy adjustment, good leadership and other positive emotions, demonstrating that in order to reach total success, we could stand to benefit from getting in touch with our modest side. we must build upon other positive traits.Studies have shown that we tend to achieve happiness more when we’re not actually pursuing it. Humble people, who already place their focus outward, tend to naturally take this approach.

8.Be Still
To be still means to live in the moment. It means that you should not want to live in the past which is left behind or in the future which has not came yet. You should live in the present and acknowledge the things you are doing. You should enjoy every piece of what you have and thank god for it. ". . . Be still and know that I am God." (D&C 101:16.)The word still, according to Webster's dictionary, means "to become motionless or silent: quiet." How appropriate it is for us to be still when experiencing the things of God.We, too, can experience that feeling of peace through our own prayers if we just take the time, quietly and reverently, to listen for answers.

9.Be Prayerful

As President Gordon B. Hinckley stated, we “cannot do it alone.” We cannot make it through this life without the help of our Heavenly Father. We need the power of prayer in our lives.To be prayerful means that you need Gods help, and you know that you need His help. You cannot do it alone.Prayer is a great source of wisdom and support. The guidance and strength that come from prayer help us improve virtually all aspects of our lives, including our ability to follow the counsel of the prophet. “There is power in prayer,” wrote Will. “Prayer is a direct spiritual experience between you and your Father in Heaven. There is power in vocalizing prayer. I have noticed that prayer brings you directly out of the passive gospel state to an active gospel state, which is a state when you fully participate in the gospel. That active state is a direct result of personal prayer. I believe my whole life has changed as a result of personal prayer. I want everyone to know the truth of this great and marvelous work. It is true. We can be saved if we only put forth effort. I know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ lives, and the Atonement is real.” God is Good. God is There. God delays but never Forgets.

My thoughts toward the 9 ways to be happy, are that they are a great example of what you should do if you want to have a successful future. I will really take this 9 ways in deep because when you are given new ways to try things you take advantage of them and try to do them the best way. I know the things i need to do in order to become a CTR person and i will make sure to do. I really enjoyed doing the 9 ways because it always good to be reminded that you should be a ctr person. It good to have a plan to follow in order to become a ctr person. One of the things I would want is for everyone to follow these steps and get to the top. Its very important that you taker acknowledge of the things you are doing wrong and find new ways to change. I think i will write these down on my daily journal so when i open it i know what i have to do.
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